Select Electric inductance unit to convert from:

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Convert from Abhenry

Convert from Centihenry

Convert from Decihenry

Convert from Dekahenry /

Convert from Electromagnetic unit of inductance (cgs system)

Convert from Electrostatic unit of inductance (cgs system)

Convert from Gaussian electric inductance

Convert from Gigahenry

Convert from Hectohenry

Convert from Henry

Convert from Henry - international

Convert from Joule/square ampere

Convert from Kilohenry

Convert from Megahenry

Convert from Microhenry

Convert from Millihenry

Convert from Nanohenry

Convert from Ohm second

Convert from Picohenry

Convert from Stathenry

Convert from Terahenry

Convert from Volt second/ampere

Convert from Weber/ampere